website 2

I will Design a responsive and SEO friendly Website

Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $325.00.


SEO friendly website design refers to the process of creating the visual layout and user interface of a site. It involves designing the look, feel, and functionality to meet the needs of its intended audience.

The key elements of the design include:

  1. Layout and structure: The overall layout and structure including the placement of text, images, and other content.
  2. Color scheme and typography: The use of color and typography to create a visually appealing and readable pages.
  3. Navigation and usability: The ease of use and navigation of the website, including the placement of menus, links, and buttons.
  4. Branding and visual identity: The incorporation of the brand’s visual identity and messaging to create a consistent and cohesive look across the web pages.
  5. Content: The written and visual content including the use of images, videos, and other multimedia elements.
  6. Responsive design: The ability to adapt to different screen sizes and devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

NB: this service is reserved for Blogs and simple website with 05 pages for SEO friendly and responsive website ( hosting and domain names to be purchased by the client)

For any additional information, please contact us via WhatsApp available in our website.


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